Home / Bogies Drop

Bogie drop

Bogie handling for their placement, change or maintenance in a safe and productive manner.


Thechnical sheet

A car for raising/lowering/translating the bogie and the support tables.

Two support tables / vehicle passage.

An outlet.

Two sets of 2 claw jacks for box support and 2+2 auxiliary sets for bogie support.

Perimeter protection railings in the pit with barriers in vehicle passage areas and doors in passages from pits to tables.

Bogie Drop are used in the railway industry, both in the manufacture of trains by OEMs and by railway operators (trams, subways and long-distance trains) in their maintenance workshops for maintenance and change of bogies. This is a common operation since the bogie is a wear element as it is the rolling of the trains and is subject to wear and impacts that can cause it to break.

Industrial uses of Bogie drops

/ Change bogies

The replacement work is done by lowering the bogie vertically and moving it transversely to the direction of the vehicle tracks or longitudinally in the same direction as the train tracks.
If the change is by means of vertical and transversal movement, the equipment will consist of two workstations, one in which the vehicle whose bogie is intended to be dismantled/assembled is positioned, and the other station, the one for entry/exit of the bogies. In this case, once the vehicle is supported by hydraulic jacks, the bogie will be lowered by means of electromechanical columns or hydraulic scissors.